
A unit testing Example

Whether you are in the TDD camp or not, It goes without saying that unit testing is a very powerful way to ensure that your code is supposed to do what it is supposed to do. I never really got into TDD because by the time I had started to learn about it, I had already started to learn other patterns and techniques to design a losely coupled application. Afterall, the biggest benefit of TDD seems to be design. Regardles of the approach, testing our code is just a core part of software development.


ASP.NET Web API Multi-Auth

We are building an application that is to be used by our customers, but also some internal folks at our company. Since we are on office 365, we thought it made sense to have our internal team login using office 365. The external clients were setup using asp.net Identity aka local accounts.


Blazor WASM Application Settings

Recently, we had an opportunity to build a brand new application for a subset of our customers. It seemed like a perfect opportunity to try Blazor in a production setting as the application was not going to be too large (famous last words:)).